Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Flash Audio Recorder.

Ever wondered to have a recorder tool for your website ?. Well here is the one we offer.
This application will allow the webmasters to embed the application in there websites and allow the website users to easily record the audio directly from the browser.
Now this recorded voice can playedback/stored in database/downloaded for various purposes.
We have used NellyMoser codec built in flash player to encode the voice and save them as .flv

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master has total control over the audio recorded.

Requirements to run this software/web app:

Media Server:
Major requirement to run this app is Media server. There are basically two mediaserver available in market.
a)FMS (Flash Media Server)
b)Red5 Server(Java Based server)

We would prefer Red5 server as it is Opensource and comes with General Public License (GPL) with zero cost.

Hosting platform:
Currently we support only for php platforms.

Adobe Flash player:
Latest version of flash player to be installed in end user's system to view the app. Even if the flash player is not installed , when the user comes to this app , this app will install the flash player for the user.


Complete audio bit rate control.
Complete control over the recording time
Sound level bar
Playback the recorded media.
Record the audio directly from microphone
Can be linked / embedded in any opensource CMS scripts like Drupal,Joomla,Wordpress,Xoops,Pligg etc.
Can be plugged in unlimited websites.


Files provided:
Red5/FMS configuration files required by this app,swf,html,xml ,php files

Price : one time fee 45 USD.

So, what are you waiting for . Buy Now and get 6 months installation/support free.

For more queries , You can contact us at: paynow@programmer.net

We will respond to your questions within 24 hours of time.